Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Okay, so school is finally finished. Strangely, for something I was anticipating for such a long time, it was incredibly depressing and I found myself not wanting to graduate.

But alas, what is gone is gone, and now I must look towards the future: Exams! Unfortunately, a severe case of nocturnality has rendered me lacking in the energy and attention span required to study. And no, nocturnality may not actually exist, but it is the best way to describe my unusual 6am to 12pm sleeping patterns. Try it some time. It really screws you over.

Not much else has happened, really. Or if it did, my terrible memory quickly stored in it the 'Do not open again' section (along with everything I should have learnt in class this year).

And so, I leave you with some wise words of advice:

'I understand how scissors can beat paper, and I get how a rock can beat scissors, but there's no fucking way paper can beat rock.
Is paper supposed to magically wrap around rock and leave it immobile? Why the hell can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can't paper do this to people? Why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they take notes in class?
I'll tell you why: Because paper can't beat anybody. A rock would tear that shit up in two seconds.
When I play rock, paper, scissors, I always choose rock. Then when someone claims to have beaten me with their paper, I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I though paper would protect you. Asshole."'

God damn, sometimes I love 4chan.

Chief of the the Destruction of Humanity Committee.