Monday, January 29, 2007

Ok, so, back to school. Yay....

Luckily, it's the final year, so it means that I only have to wait a short time before I can start missing classes and not have people bother to chase me up about it (damn you Marshall, and your crafty ways).

In other news, I recieved my new laptop. It's rather useful (including the wireless network that was set up), apart from the fact that it doesn't have Microsoft Office (just MS Works. Notepad, bleh.) or a decent virus-scanner and firewall (McAfee spams me with 'critical update' messages every 30 mins, but then tells me I have to register to be able to download them. Unfortunately, I don't know what version of McAfee I'm using, and can't find anything which tells me. Damn them!). The best part of the laptop is I can leave it to download during the day (when I'm at school/work) or at night (when I'm asleep). It gives me so much opportunity to make use of our large download limit (2.6gb of anime downloaded in 2 days, and much more to come soon, when I can think of more things to download)

This Saturday is Rose's 16th (there, happy now?) (in a masquerade theme). I'm looking forward to it, because it gives me a valid excuse to wear a mask, other than to be wierd. Although it's no alcohol, which takes the fun out of things.

Apart from that, my holidays hasn't been spent doing much. Working, playing WoW, and not sleeping (Out of the entire 168 hours of last week, probably only 42 of those were spent sleeping, and average of 6 hours per night). Instead, I'm planning on putting my education to good use, and sleep through class. What better way to pass double Japanese?

When I can find the time (and energy), I'll post some of the things that have been keeping me entertained over the pasts few weeks. Till then, help me in my fight against world stupidity by killing a supermodel/movie star/clothing store clerk/emo/politician/sportsman. Do it. You know you want to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey hey its anonymous here again!

Just to clear things up, rose's party is a 16th, not an 18th!
But it will b AWESOME FUN!! Im definatley looking forward to it, hope you r to!

Well school has started for me aswell, so still getting used to yr 12 life, unlike some who have already completed 4 weeks of yr 12.

Hope alls well and ill see you on saturday night!

c ya,